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•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021 

•COVID August 2021

•Celexa stopped working 

•Zoloft 100mg Sept.-Oct.

•Zoloft did not work

•Lexapro 10mg Oct.-Nov.

•Lexapro did not work

•Lexapro 5mg Nov-  current 

•Mirtazapine 15mg at night Oct-current


•Current supplements:

B12, Magnesium Glycinate, Ashwagandha,  Multivitamin, C, D3, Nac, CoQ10, CBD.


No longer seeing a Psychiatrist, I am seeing a Holistic doctor now.. She will start my taper of Lexapro 5mg. mid January.


I have severe anxiety and depression with panic attacks.  Being that I'm treatment resistant will i continue to have withdrawals throughout my taper? Also..will my withdrawals ease up with lesser & lesser tapers? Or will withdrawals be my new norm? I have been having withdrawals since Covid in August 2021 because of my resistance to antidepressant. Also having phantom smell of burning ash tray. 


Edited by ChessieCat
unbolded added spacing


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Chlo
  • Moderator

Hi @Chlo


Welcome to SA. We are a volunteer run site that helps members taper off of medications. Although I'm sorry you are going through this, I'm glad you found us.


This is your page where you will receive information, you can ask questions, submit comments, talk with other members going through symptoms like you are/or have been through it. We ask that members only have one page so we can keep all your information in one place.


Could you please create a signature for us.


Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature


I'm going to give you some information in tapering lexapro.


Tips for tapering off escitalopram (Lexapro)


Before you begin tapering what you need to know


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


Brain Remodelling


Fear, terror, panic, and anxiety


Brass Monkey Slide


Keep it Simple, Slow and Stable


Skipping Days vs Every Day Dosing Graph


We don't suggest a lot of supplements on here. But we do suggest magnesium and omega. Vitamin B can be very stimulating.




Omega-3 Fish Oil


Phantom smells are very normal. You can search the topic in the upper right hand corner of the front page and read about it. I had phantom smells of dirt for months. It finally went away.


Please read the above links, and feel free to ask any questions you may have.


Edited by Frogie

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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Hello Froggie, does it show my signature? Being new to the group some things are confusing to me. Also the Brass monkey slide, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. So if I taper 10% of a 5mg dose then that means for 4-6 weeks I will stay on that 10% tapered dose right? 

And I know everyone is different,  but can someone please tell me if I will ever smile and laugh again, I feel like I'm bringing my whole family down with me. 


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Moderator

It shows your signature in a separate post. Just follow the link I gave you and you will be able to get it to the bottom of your introduction page.


Yes, if you do a 10% taper you would hold that amount for 4 weeks then taper 10% of that amount and hold another 4 weeks and so on.


So 10% of 5 mg of Lexapro would be 4.5 mg. Then 10% of 4.5 mg would be 4.05 mg and so forth.


If you do the Brassmonkey Slide you would taper 2% a week for 4 weeks then hold that last dose for 2 weeks before tapering again.


Yes you will laugh and smile again. I never thought I would, but I did.

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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  • Mentor

Hi Chlo!  Welcome to the group! I have felt as you have many times.  Sometimes it is a hard journey to healing, but yes you will heal and you will have joy. There are many success stories on the site that attest to it. Everyone  is here to support you along the way.   You are with a group of very knowledgable,  understanding and caring people that are going through or have been through what you have. Don't give up!

  1. .025 Xanax 3 x daily  Start date 10-13-2013 through 8-13-2014.  Started tapering 6-2014 to 8-2014.  Some small discomfort. 25 mg Zoloft - Start date 5-1-2014.  50mg. 6-2014.  through 7-14-2014 .  Started tapering  7-14-2014, stopped tapering 10-2014.  I did 1/4 of the dose a month.  small discomfort.  These next 3 were prescribed when I made some seriously bad choices with my thyroid medication.  Was in ER twice for possible heart attack.  INTENSE anxiety, panic, fear.   Lost 30 pounds in 2 weeks.  Thyroid levels bounced to extremes for 8 months. Dr. prescribed Zoloft 50mg  9-2105.  After 2 doses had a bad reaction passed out in my bedroom. Also prescribed Xanax .025  at the same time. 3 times daily, 4 if needed.  Was only on it about 2 weeks.  Was not working.  Trip ER they gave me an Ativan IV and it worked and lasted.  switched to Ativan. 9-24-2016. 1.5 mg Ativan - .5 mg  three x daily -start date 9/24/16.  Attempted taper start 12-16-2016. Was shaving Pills and alternating tapering AM, PM and midday dose weekly.  Buspar .5mg  -2.5mg. am and 2. 5mg. pm start date 9-26-2016 .  Lexapro .10mg  start date  - 10-26-2016. Found SA and began 10/14/2017 tapering .001 by weight of pill  every 4 days Held longer if there were was WD.    Was very sensitive to Ativan. 3-15-2018 Off midday dose - 7-16-2018 Off PM dose - OFF ATIVAN! 11-17-2018 10 mg. Lexapro. PM - 5 mg start date 10/11/2016 increased to 10 mg 2/2/17. 1-1-2019 Began tapering Lexapro.  .001 gm every 4 days.  Held longer if there was WD.  Last doses some I held a month.  OFF LEXAPRO! 2-21 2021 5 mg. Buspar  divided into two, 2.5 mg doses AM and PM- Start date 9/26/2016 Cold turkey on Dr. direction, AM and Pm  doses.  Reinstated  9-22-16. Began Buspar taper 1-29-23, .001 mg by weight of pills.  N.P. Desiccated Thyroid.  1-2023 Labs okay but not where I feel best. 60 mg. daily now but adding 15 mg. more  twice weekly for a few months then check.  Bioidentical hormones. Bi-est/Prog cream, 1/4 tsp.  1 time daily

My intro: Moonpie:. Need help and supporting tapering off of Ativan

My benzo thread: Moonpie: Need help Ativan weight tapering

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Hello Moonpie! I am trying to work my way around the site, still wondering if my signature is where it should be. How do I change my name from Chlo to something else? Also @Frogie I'm sorry I mistakenly called you Froggie. Your pic through me off ❤ 

Okay...so I'm so blessed to have found this group and getting to know you all. Thank you for your warm welcoming! I've been on support groups via Facebook,  but have recently stopped veiwing them due to triggers.. I put all my faith in the Lord and look forward to your support. Offering you all my support and prayers as well. Love to all of you!


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Moderator

Your signature is still not showing up at the bottom of your page. I'll give you the link again and see if you can correct it.


Instructions:  Withdrawal History Signature


As far as changing your screen name, it's very hard to do. Unless someone can identify you through google, you need to keep it please.


You're going to do fine. Glad you made a friend already!

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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I have done the signature over and over and hit send, I'm not understanding why it isn't showing up. I can give you my username and password if you want to try it ❤


Edited by Shep
removed picture, per Chlo's request


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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I am wondering if I should start a low histamine diet or go with the GAPS diet. I'm having bad pains in my upper abdomen.  Also any suggestions on supplements? 

Has anyone done ice cold therapy or had the vagus nerve stimulator implanted?




•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Moderator
5 hours ago, Chlo said:

I have done the signature over and over and hit send, I'm not understanding why it isn't showing up. I can give you my username and password if you want to try it ❤


Try going to the upper right hand corner where you click on the arrow to sign out. Go to Account Settings.  Where it shows Chlo that is where you type in your medications and information. Then on the left hand side click on signature. Type it in and be sure to hit "Save".

Edited by Frogie

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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Can anyone recommend a diet to settle my stomach. I get bloating in upper abdomen and belching a lot. I have cut out most dairy and grains. Also my panic attacks and anxiety are causing me shortness of breath and yawning. I try to hold back the tears. 

I am wondering if I should start a low histamine diet or go with the GAPS diet. I'm having bad pains in my upper abdomen.  Also any suggestions on supplements? 

Has anyone done ice cold therapy or had the vagus nerve stimulator implanted?


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Moderator

Hi @Chlo


The shortness of breath and yawning are very common symptoms of anxiety. I get it a lot, so please don't be alarmed.


Take a look at this link:



Here is a link on stomach problems:


Digestive problems:  Nausea, Diarrhoea, Bloating, GERD




We don't suggest supplements except the magnesium and omega that I told you about previously.


I hope this helps. So glad you were able to get your signature figured out🙂


PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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Being that I've developed a resistance to antidepressants since August and still on them, I have been dealing with withdrawals since then, would I be able to taper at 10% and not feel the more severe withdrawals? I start my taper on the 12th of this month. Or should I still go at 5%? I'm just wondering if the withdrawals would be any different since I'm getting them with my AD that I'm still taking. 🤔 and do they make liquid droppers that accustom to our tapers?


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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@Altostrata and @Frogie

What type of diet is best for gut-brain healing? GAPS?



•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Moderator




Take a look at this link and see if anything here might help:




PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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@Frogie @Altostrata


Being that I've developed a resistance to antidepressants since August and still on them, I have been dealing with withdrawals since then, would I be able to taper at 10% and not feel the more severe withdrawals? I start my taper on the 12th of this month. Or should I still go at 5%? I'm just wondering if the withdrawals would be any different since I'm getting them with my AD that I'm still taking. 🤔 and do they make liquid droppers that is accustomed to doses below 5mg?


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Moderator



I can't tell you that you won't have wd symptoms. You can try 10%, hold for 4 weeks and see how you are. If you experience a lot of symptoms then go down to 5%, or do the Brassmonkey Slide:


Brass Monkey Slide

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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I have been experiencing withdrawal symptoms since August, I think I will start at 5% taper. I just didn't know if the withdrawals will be the same regardless of starting a taper and having treatment resistant. 



•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Administrator

All "treatment-resistant" means is that you don't get any benefit from antidepressants.


Did you skip any doses of Celexa while you were taking it? Did you forget to take it when you were sick?


What times o'clock do you take Lexapro and mirtazapine? At what times of day are your symptoms better or worse?



This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I never skipped any doses when I was sick. I take lexapro 5mg 9:30 a.m.

and Mirtazapine 15mg. 10:30 p.m. My symptoms are worse from 11:00a.m. to 5:00 pm. They ease up in the evening towards the night.. @Frogie @Altostrata


Being that I've developed a resistance to antidepressants since August and still on them, I have been dealing with withdrawals since then, would I be able to taper at 10% and not feel the more severe withdrawals? I start my taper on the 12th of this month. Or should I still go at 5%? I'm just wondering if the withdrawals would be any different since I'm getting them with my AD that I'm still taking. 🤔 and do they make liquid droppers that is accustomed to doses below 5mg?


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Moderator

You can try a 10% taper, but only 1 medication at a time. You never want to taper 2 at the same time because you/we won't know which one is causing problems, if any.


Then post notes so we can see how you are doing.


Keep Notes on Paper

PREVIOUS medications and discontinuations: Have been on medications since 1996. 

 Valium, Gabapentin, Lamictal, Prilosec and Zantac from 2000 to 2015 with a fast taper by a psychiatrist.

 Liquid Lexapro Nov, 2016 to 31-March, 2019 Lexapro free!!! (total Lexapro taper was 4 years-started with pill form)

---CURRENT MEDICATIONS:Supplements:Milk Thistle, Metamucil, Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Levothyroxine 25mcg, Vitamin C, Krill oil.

Xanax 1mg 3x day June, 2000 to 19-September, 2020 Went from .150 grams (average weight of 1 Xanax) 3x day to .003 grams 3x day. April 1, 2021 went back on 1mg a day. Started tapering May 19, 2023. July 28, 2023-approximately .87mg. Dr. fast tapered me at the end and realized he messed up. Prescribe it again and I am doing "slower than a turtle" taper. Last dose June 24, 2024

19-September, 2020 Xanax free!!! (total Xanax taper was 15-1/2 months-1-June, 2019-19-September, 2020)

I am not a medical professional.

The suggestions I make are based on personal experience.

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  • Administrator
7 minutes ago, Chlo said:

Being that I've developed a resistance to antidepressants since August and still on them, I have been dealing with withdrawals since then


No, you have not developed a resistance. Sometimes other antidepressants don't help withdrawal syndrome from a particular antidepressant, which in your case is Celexa. You may be taking TOO MUCH Lexapro, which is 2-3 times stronger than Celexa.


How's your sleep? How has your sleep pattern changed in the last 2 months?


How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? How do you feel before and after you take Lexapro?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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@AltostrataWell I sleep great only because I take Mirtazapine for that. I feel panicky when  I wake up. But in all I get approx 9 hours sleep. After I take Lexapro I I feel groggy. Then towards noon and mid afternoon I still feel panicky and anxious along with bouts of crying.


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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@Altostratashould I try getting back on the Celexa again? Also do you recommend taking omega 3?


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Administrator

So you sleep soundly until you wake up, then you feel panicky? What time o'clock is this? How long does the panicky feeling last?


You do not feel groggy from mirtazapine in the morning?


7 minutes ago, Chlo said:

After I take Lexapro I I feel groggy. Then towards noon and mid afternoon I still feel panicky and anxious along with bouts of crying.


Please explain more about this. Does it happen every day? When do these symptoms start after you take Lexapro at 9:30 a.m.? Do they gradually fade out in the evening?


Which of these symptoms are you calling withdrawal symptoms?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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After I take lexapro in morning I start to feel groggy, panicky, crying, hard to breath. These symptoms stay with me through the day til around 6:00 pm. Then they subside the rest of the evening and night. 

My "withdrawals" are panic attacks, headache, no appetite, dizziness, lethargic, and crying depression. 


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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At 1:00 p.m. I try to eat something and take my supplements. 

D3 10000 iu, Ashwagandha extract 1200mg. Multivitamin, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate 500mg

And probiotic 


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

Link to comment

Yes I sleep soundly til I wake up 9:30am then my mind gets going and feel panicky. I then take my lexapro 9:30am. Which then I still feel panicky and crying til around 6 pm it all starts to fade away.


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

Link to comment

1/6/21 DIARY

9:30a.m.-awake(slept 8hrs)

feel anxious, groggy, dizzy

9:30am-Lexapro 5mg, Atorvastatin 20mg, Omeprazol 40mg.

10:00am-meditate in bed (too cold outside)

Still anxious, panic, sadness, dizzy

11:00am-felt breathless, dizzy

12:00pm-ate grapes

Multivitamin, Magnesium Glycinate 300mg, Ashwagandha 1200mg, C,

D3 10,000mg. CoQ10

1:00pm-anxious, sadness, tension, headache, felt paralyzed, dizzy


3:00pm-Meditation. A bit relaxed

4-5:00pm-headache, groggy, dizzy

6:00pm- ate 2 meatballs, sauce, cheese. 

Probiotic, Omega3 1800mg

7-10:30pm-Feel good, a little dizzy 

10:30pm- Mirtazapine 15mg,  Pepcid AC




•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

Link to comment

1/2/22 Diary

9:30am- awake (slept well minus the headache)

10:00am- Lexapro 5mg, Atorvastatin, Omeprazol 

10:30am-dizzy, lethargic, anxious feel paralyzed 

10:45am-Lavender epsum salt bath

11:30am-chills, rapid heart rate,sad crying, shakes

12 Noon- Klonopin.5mg

12:30pm-2:30pm- Nap

2:30pm- kinda jittery

3:00pm- Ate 3 meatballs

D3 10,000 IU, Ashwagandha extract 1200mg, Omega 3 1260mg, Magnesium Glycinate 300mg, C 1,000mg, CoQ10, Multivitamin 

4:00pm- Read Bible, head feels weird and dizzy, headaches

5:00-crying spell

6:00pm-salad, Omega 3 1260mg. Headache

8:00pm-Headach (cold rag on head)

Feel calm, still have headache

10:30pm- Mirtazapine 15mg, Pepcid ac, Magnesium Glycinate 200mg

10:45pm- Bed




•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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Can I take a Motrin or something for this splitting headache 😫


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Administrator

Yes, you can take a Motrin. How often do you get a headache?


On 1/6/2022 at 6:20 PM, Chlo said:

9:30am-Lexapro 5mg, Atorvastatin 20mg, Omeprazol 40mg.


Why are you taking these drugs together at the same time? It looks like you're having a reaction to one of them, or maybe from the interaction of all three drugs.


How long have you been taking 0.5mg Klonopin at noon?


Please do this: Move the omeprazole an hour later each day until you're taking it in the evening.


Please put ALL your drugs in this Interactions Checker and post the report or a link to it in this topic.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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I take the Omeprazol for my acud reflux. I have been doing this for years. If I don't take it in the morning I with have bad reflux throughout the day. I can take it an hour later though. The klonopin I take as needed. 


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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The headaches just started 3 days ago


•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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  • Administrator

What drug changes have you made since January 1?


Do you take Klonopin every day? If so, when did you start taking it every day? It's very important that you note when you take it, and the dosage, in your daily notes.

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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20 hours ago, Chlo said:

1/7/22 Diary

9:30am- awake (slept well minus the headache)

10:00am- Lexapro 5mg, Atorvastatin, Omeprazol 

10:30am-dizzy, lethargic, anxious feel paralyzed 

10:45am-Lavender epsum salt bath

11:30am-chills, rapid heart rate,sad crying, shakes

12 Noon- Klonopin.5mg

12:30pm-2:30pm- Nap

2:30pm- kinda jittery

3:00pm- Ate 3 meatballs

D3 10,000 IU, Ashwagandha extract 1200mg, Omega 3 1260mg, Magnesium Glycinate 300mg, C 1,000mg, CoQ10, Multivitamin 

4:00pm- Read Bible, head feels weird and dizzy, headaches

5:00-crying spell

6:00pm-salad, Omega 3 1260mg. Headache

8:00pm-Headach (cold rag on head)

Feel calm, still have headache

10:30pm- Mirtazapine 15mg, Pepcid ac, Magnesium Glycinate 200mg

10:45pm- Bed





•Celexa 40mg 1999-2021•LONG COVID Aug.2021•Celexa stopped working•Zoloft 100mg Sept21'-Oct21'•Buspar •Lexapro 10mg Oct21'-Nov21'

•Lexapro did not work(adverse effects)•Lexapro 5mg Nov21'-1/17/22 switched to Lexapro liquid form 5mg 1/18/22•4.75mg 1/19•4.5mg 1/25•4.25mg 2/1•4.0mg 2/8

•3.75mg 3/28•3.5mg 5/23

•3.25mg 5/30•3.0mg 6/19

•2.75mg 6/26•2.50mg 7/10•2.45mg 7/18•2.40mg 7/25•2.35mg 8/1•2.33mg 8/26•2.27mg 9/15•2.21mg 9/23•2.16mg 9/30•2.10mg 10/14•2.04mg 10/24•1.99mg 11/18•1.95mg 1/02/23•1.90mg 1/09•1.80mg 1/27•1.75mg 2/21•1.70mg3/6•1.65mg3/14•1.60mg 4/07•1.52mg 4/30•1.48mg 5/07•1.40mg 6/08•1.36mg 6/17•1.32mg 6/27•1.28mg 7/17•1.20mg 8/18•1.15mg 9/13•1.12mg 10/15•1.06mg 1/20/24•1.02mg 2/16•1mg 2/27•.98mg3/02•.96mg3/20•

.90mg7/1•D3•Vit.C•Magnesium Glycinate•Zinc•Omega3•Probiotic

•Mirtazapine 15mg

I don't know much, but 3 things I do. There is a God. His word is true. Stay close to Him and He will bring you through. Amen🙏

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