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Lauren90: history with sertraline


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Hi Everyone,


My journey with Sertraline started at the ripe old age of 10-12 years old (I’m 31 now-my mom and I can’t seem to agree on when exactly I started taking meds). I was also on adderal or vyvanse at this age as well. In 2018 I decided I wanted to try to get off of meds. I started with the vyvanse. I went from 60mg to 50, and dropped 10mg a month until I was at nothing. Really didn’t experience any issues. Then I went to the Sertraline. I dropped from 200mg to 150mg and really only had a few brain zaps that went away after a few days. Six months later I dropped from 150mg to 100mg, again with only brain zaps and some irritability.


During this time I moved to France to be with my husband (summer 2020 mid lockdown) and after 6 months there I decided I wanted to continue to go down because we knew in the next year or so we wanted to try for a baby. I had read a few forums so decided to take it a little slower this time. 100mg to 87.5mg. For the first time I experienced a decent amount of withdrawal symptoms. Mostly flu like, palpitations, but nothing I couldn’t get thru. After two weeks they dissipated.


I then went directly from 87.5 to 75mg. Same thing with this cut but after a couple weeks, mostly dissipated with the exception of extreme anxiety and random weird intense pains throughout my body. Fast forward to a month later and all hell broke loose. The worst panic of my life (never suffered from panic attacks before besides ONE in late 2020 after moving) horrible horrible DP/DR (mostly DR) to the point that I really thought I was going crazy. I would begin each morning with a good barf and have diarrhea throughout the days. I ended up losing about 12lbs in a few weeks. No appetite. Everything made me feel weird and I cried nonstop. My doctor told me to take a low dose of Xanax three times a day for two weeks and honestly it helped.


I stopped the Xanax after three weeks (I decided to continue a little longer) with no issues. Or no immediate issues that I know of. About five months after this in mid 2021 I decided to do a SLOW taper, 2.5-5% every two weeks. I ended up stopping around the 61mg mark because my panic was getting so bad, I had an EIGHT WEEK MIGRAINE and I just couldn’t keep it together. At this point I also had my first intro to inner restlessness, or mild akathisia, located in my chest and under my armpits.


This only lasted about a week but really freaked me out. After two and a half months of staying at 61mg I decided to continue to go down, this time no more than 2.5% decreases. It seemed to go ok at this rate. I was still suffering from bad OCD and anxiety but there were no physical symptoms. My last cut was when we moved back to California in Feb 2022, a few months ago. I experienced another bout of weeklong mild inner restlessness at this point but again I ignored it and it went away.


Had two weeks of dizziness but was told it was a vestibular migraine. I ended up spot taking bromazepam at a low dose for a couple of weeks because it helped suppress the dizziness. Now two weeks ago, Late April 2022, I was sitting at my desk at work and like a switch I felt the internal restlessness start again. This time more intense than before. It continued at the same intensity and ramped up this weekend. I have such a ball of energy/tickling in my chest and throat that I start each morning dry heaving. I have no appetite. Lost 5lbs in 3 days.


This weekend I’ve also had full body tremors and complete panic crying spells and dread because of it and my fear of akathisia being permanent. I don’t know if this had something to do with the bromazepam, late hitting withdrawals from earlier extreme cuts, huge life stressor of moving countries, new job which is very stressful or what. I feel like my CNS is shot and I don’t know what to do. I have to function and work to help provide for my family, being disabled in bed is just not an option but it’s where I’m at today. I caved and took a bromazepam because it calms the akathisia and I couldn’t just lay in bed and roll around in a panic any longer. I really need some help. 

Edited by Shep
Added paragraph breaks

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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  • ChessieCat changed the title to Lauren90: History with sertraline


History with and Protracted Withdrawal from Sertraline Post 2


I’m posting again because it’s been a few days and haven’t heard from anyone and I’m desperate. I know you’re busy so thanks in advance for your time and help ♥️❤️I’ve been on mostly Sertraline since I was at the ripe old age of TEN years old. And at a high dose, so between 100-200mg for I’d say about 15 of those years. Anyways I’m only 31 now. Oh I was also on vyvanse that entire time too because I was diagnosed with ADD LOL.


Long and short of it: 


Decided in late 2018 I wanted to get off meds. I was having horrible palpitations and for a couple of years started feeling this rush when taking vyvanse highest dosage so I though eh, probably not what I should be feeling. Went 60-50-40 etc to 0. No problems coming off of that. Next was Sertraline. 


Early 2019 went from 200mg Sertraline to 150mg Sertraline-no problem. A few brain zaps but anyone on ADs know this feeling well so didn’t bother me and disappeared after a few days, maybe a week. Also drank my way thru it at night. 


Late 2019 went from 150mg to 100mg. Again same thing as above. My ocd was getting much worse but other than that I didn’t have any physical symptoms other than some brain zaps. 


Pandemic hit. Made plans to move from Chicago to France with my now husband and did so in 2020 so held until early 2021. In early 2021 I read a little here and there about slow tapers but you know, didn’t affect me before so I thought ok, ill be a liiiiiitle more cautious but not too much so. So I went 100mg to 87.5. I got hit with flu like symptoms, muscle aches, dizziness, but all in all it was survivable. So after two weeks I went to 75mg. Same thing. Survivable. But I was having major random pains in my body. They thought I had kidney stones but never passed a stone. Horrible back pain, stuff like that. Again, survivable. 


Went to the US to visit my family, came back and two days later had the worst panic attack of my life. Extreme DP/DR, I mean, terror. Wondering know if it was sort of the mental aspect of akathisia. I also remember just this heaviness in my chest but I’d never even read the word akathisia before so just thought panic for a month. Doc gave me bromazepam and I took that for three weeks and it seemed to help and then I just stopped it without issue (well to my knowledge). 


Stayed at 75mg for 4 months. Then started to decrease by 5% every two weeks. On the third night of every cut I would get restless legs (not new to me had them since I was a kid- even in my chest and arms but only at night) and restless chest/arms but only at night. Fast forward about two months at this rate, I was at 61mg, and got his with an EIGHT WEEK migraine on top of neck pain that wouldn’t budge. I had every single test, mris cts, X-rays you name it, spine and back, but nothing. During this time we went back to the US again, and I got his with this restless feeling in my chest and armpits. This deep tickle that would turn into a burning sensation. Moving didn’t make it go away but it distracted me enough to where I didn’t feel it. Did some research found the word akathisia and freaked out. This only lasted about a week though. Was also spot taking bromazepam (low dose of 1.5mg to 4mg per day- not sure how the breakdown in mg compares to other benzos but they say starting dose of bromazepam is 6mg daily)


Two months later continued to taper this time at 2.5% and got all the way down to 50mg, but we decided to move back to the US so my last cut was Feb 2022. I dealt with a little of this restlessness/tingling when we first moved back but I ignored it and it went away after a week or so. Didnt take any bromazepam here. Had some weed gummies and drank wine at night.


Fast forward two months, late April 2022 and I was sitting at my desk and literally like a light switch I felt the tingles in my chest. It was after a super intense stressful period moving back, had been working only a month but got thrown into the deep end, just finished a deadline, furnished a house, bought cars, I mean, I had a lot on my plate. So stress definitely activated something. I had also been spot taking bromazepam again because I was dizzy for three weeks and the doc told me that could help subdue the vestibular system. The day before the switch flipped I also got lidocaine at dentist and almost had a panic attack because now panic attacks are a part of my life so double dosed the bromazepam. Stopped taking the bromazepam Sunday because I thought maybe withdrawal from that but I don’t use very often. Cut out alcohol last Thursday (6days ago). 
Saturday 5/7 was hell on earth mentally and physically

sunday 5/8 was better

monday 5/9 was better than Sunday. Went to work and dentist but still felt awful.

Tuesday 5/10 was even better. Almost felt normal after 11am (from waking to 11am I’m in a state of panic almost, can’t function can’t concentrate)

today 5/11 I’m feeling better as the day goes on but this morning was terrible. Not as bad as last Saturday but not great. 

mom speaking to a psychiatrist today. I don’t know what else to do. I’m afraid she will want me to go up on my meds or add something else. 

what is causing this? I haven’t made a cut in two months and was fine before. I feel awful. Thanks for listening ♥️❤️


Edited by ChessieCat
added Intro topic title before merging with intro topic and resized font

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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  • Moderator Emeritus

Hi, Lauren.


Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants.


You may already have seen these threads since you're well into a taper, but I'll place them here just in case:


Tips for tapering off sertraline (Zoloft)


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


How psychiatric drugs remodel your brain



On 5/11/2022 at 4:10 PM, Lauren90 said:

Cut out alcohol last Thursday (6days ago). 


I'm glad you're no longer drinking, especially with your benzo use.


Alcohol is likely causing a lot of problems with your taper. We see that a lot here and recommend that folks not drink until completely healed.


On 5/8/2022 at 3:22 PM, Lauren90 said:

My doctor told me to take a low dose of Xanax three times a day for two weeks and honestly it helped.


I stopped the Xanax after three weeks (I decided to continue a little longer) with no issues.



What timeframe was your Xanax use? Please add the month and year to your signature, along with the dose.


Were you also using lexomil (bromazepam) at the same time? Are you still using weed gummies or any other supplement or drug?


The reason I'm asking is because you may be getting some paradoxical reactions - the more you dampen down the nervous system with sedating drugs, alcohol, or supplements, the more your nervous system fights to stay alert. This hyper-alerting is the paradoxical reaction.


Please continue to use this thread to document your taper and to ask questions.



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I am so sorry that you are going through this pain. Know you are not alone. Keeping you in my thoughts. If you ever want to chat, I’m here. 


2018 Ativan 1mg Oct-Jan (CT), 2019 Effexor 75mg, Klonopin .25mg, Trazadone 75mg, Bridge to Prozac (?dose), 2020 Taper off all, 2021 Zoloft (?dose), Jan-May (CT @ Hospital), Remeron (?dose) Trazadone 75mg, Propanolol (?dose), Klonopin .50mg, Buspar (?dose),

2021 Prozac (?dose), Trazadone 75mg, Klonopin 2 times a day, 2021 August fast taper Trazadone  Prozac fast taper in August. August Lexapro 10mg

2022 January  Lexapro to 25mg, February FT to 10mg Lexapro over 6 weeks, Klonopin .25mg 2 times a day, May Effexor 35mg, June bridge from Effexor to 30mg Cymbalta. Held on Lexapro until November.

supplements  2023  Jan Probiotics stopped taking after two weeks ADR April 1k Iu Vitamin D W/ K stopped after a few days ADR. March 50mg Mag glycinate stopped after a week ADR

January 2023added an additional .25 mg Klonopin (.25 mg three times a day)


1/23-Present Klonopin .75mg divided into .25mg 3 times a day. 6:30am, 12:00pm, 6:30pm 7/6/24 SAME

1/23Present Lexapro .101 mgpw - 8.08 mgai 8:00am

1/23-Present Estradiol .50mg 8:00am 7/6/24 same

1/23-Present 30mg Cymbalta 12:30pm 7/6/24 same

6/23 to present Holding no changes 7/4 reduced Lexapro to 7.92mg 7/31 7.84mg 8/7 7.76mg 7/14 7.60mg 10/1 7.44mg 10/28 7.36mg 2/1 7.12mg 2/14 7.04mg 3/5/24 6.88mg 3/12 6.80mg 4/29 6.48mg 7/6/24 5.84mg

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1 hour ago, Shep said:

Hi Shep! Thank you so much for responding!



Hi, Lauren.


Welcome to Surviving Antidepressants.


You may already have seen these threads since you're well into a taper, but I'll place them here just in case:


Tips for tapering off sertraline (Zoloft)


Why taper by 10% of my dosage?


The Windows and Waves Pattern of Stabilization


How psychiatric drugs remodel your brain




I'm glad you're no longer drinking, especially with your benzo use.


Alcohol is likely causing a lot of problems with your taper. We see that a lot here and recommend that folks not drink until completely healed.

I haven’t taken a benzo in over a week now and haven’t been drinking. When I was taking benzos it was usually very sporadic and pretty rare. I’d often go 6 months without touching one. 

1 hour ago, Shep said:




What timeframe was your Xanax use? Please add the month and year to your signature, along with the dose.


Were you also using lexomil (bromazepam) at the same time? Are you still using weed gummies or any other supplement or drug?


The reason I'm asking is because you may be getting some paradoxical reactions - the more you dampen down the nervous system with sedating drugs, alcohol, or supplements, the more your nervous system fights to stay alert. This hyper-alerting is the paradoxical reaction.


Please continue to use this thread to document your taper and to ask questions.

Sorry for the confusion. Ignore the Xanax comment, I was only using Bromazepam. I had Xanax for flying in 2018 but I only had maybe 5 pills of that. 

I am not using weed gummies. I cut out all supplements and am only using Magnesium Biglycinate. I’ll add fish oil back into my routine soon.

I also started propranolol last week. I’ve been taking 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. It seems to be taking the edge off of the akathisia but it’s too soon to be sure. I’ll add the propranolol to my signature. 

The other thing that has started has been AWFUL, Awful morning cortisol rushes. 6am and I’m running to the restroom with diarrhea or to vomit to get the energy out of my body. It has happened every day for a full week now. I usually have the energy still in my body for a couple hours after I’m awake. I saw the tips about using blackout shades but is there anything else? What about the adrenal cocktail? Do people have success with that?


I guess my question is, do you think these are withdrawals from the small cuts I most recently made or are the delayed or protracted withdrawals from the huge cuts a year plus ago? 

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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  • Moderator Emeritus
12 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

I also started propranolol last week. I’ve been taking 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. It seems to be taking the edge off of the akathisia but it’s too soon to be sure. I’ll add the propranolol to my signature. 


We don't recommend adding in drugs to help with withdrawal. In the long run, it can cause problems, especially paradoxical reaction type of problems. Since you've only been on it a few days, you could do a rapid taper off it. However, if you decide to stay on it, you'll want to taper off at the usual 10% or less reduction per month.




12 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

The other thing that has started has been AWFUL, Awful morning cortisol rushes. 6am and I’m running to the restroom with diarrhea or to vomit to get the energy out of my body. It has happened every day for a full week now.


That's the same time frame as when you started taking propranolol. Did you have this issue prior to taking propranolol? Does it get worse after you take your morning dose?


Please note there is a "moderate" drug interaction between propranolol and sertraline:


Drug Interaction - propranolol and sertraline


If you decide to stay on propranolol, you may want to move it two hours apart from when you take sertraline. This will decrease the likelihood of a drug interaction.


Also, how much magnesium are you taking? Magnesium can also cause diarrhea if the dose is too high or if your nervous system is now too sensitive to handle even small doses. You may want to decrease the amount you're taking or spread it out throughout the day so you're only taking a little bit at a time. Please see:


Magnesium, nature's calcium channel blocker


12 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

I saw the tips about using blackout shades but is there anything else? What about the adrenal cocktail? Do people have success with that?


I wouldn't add in an adrenal cocktail right now. Please see - Caution: Adrenal cocktail - cream of tartar, orange juice OJ, Himalayan sea salt. Even if you don't have those health conditions, right now your nervous system is destabilized. Altostrata, the owner of this site, wrote:



On 2/17/2014 at 4:49 PM, Altostrata said:

If you have anxiety, panic, agitation, nervousness, or disrupted sleep, do not take anything to stimulate the adrenals. They are already working overtime.


Much of what you read about alternative treatments will not apply if you are suffering from withdrawal. Withdrawal syndrome makes your nervous system hypersensitive. Be very cautious about herbs and supplements of any type.


From what we've learned on this forum and other websites and FaceBook groups where people are coming off these drugs, the less you do to try and fix your symptoms, the better off you are. Your system is trying to stabilize. The less you interfere by adding in this or that supplement or remedy, the better.


12 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

I guess my question is, do you think these are withdrawals from the small cuts I most recently made or are the delayed or protracted withdrawals from the huge cuts a year plus ago? 


Because SSRIs are notorious for a delayed withdrawal that sometimes doesn't come for several months after reducing or stopping the drug, it's impossible to know for sure. But withdrawal is cumulative, so it could be from the huge cuts and now the smaller ones. Plus you just added in a drug with a known drug interaction and then developed GI symptoms.


From your signature - "March 2022 spot taking lexomil for vestibular migraine 1.25mg to 3mg on days I took it, usually 1.25mg. I’d say I took it every 2 or 3 days for 3 weeks."


It's possible to develop a benzo dependency in 2 - 4 weeks, even with periodic use. So some of your symptoms may be from periodic benzo use.


Please post your thoughts on how the propranolol is affecting you since you started it. Let's start there and see if we can come up with a game plan to get you stabilized before making any other changes.






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8 hours ago, Shep said:


We don't recommend adding in drugs to help with withdrawal. In the long run, it can cause problems, especially paradoxical reaction type of problems. Since you've only been on it a few days, you could do a rapid taper off it. However, if you decide to stay on it, you'll want to taper off at the usual 10% or less reduction per month.





That's the same time frame as when you started taking propranolol. Did you have this issue prior to taking propranolol? Does it get worse after you take your morning dose?


Please note there is a "moderate" drug interaction between propranolol and sertraline:


Drug Interaction - propranolol and sertraline


If you decide to stay on propranolol, you may want to move it two hours apart from when you take sertraline. This will decrease the likelihood of a drug interaction.


Also, how much magnesium are you taking? Magnesium can also cause diarrhea if the dose is too high or if your nervous system is now too sensitive to handle even small doses. You may want to decrease the amount you're taking or spread it out throughout the day so you're only taking a little bit at a time. Please see:


Magnesium, nature's calcium channel blocker



I wouldn't add in an adrenal cocktail right now. Please see - Caution: Adrenal cocktail - cream of tartar, orange juice OJ, Himalayan sea salt. Even if you don't have those health conditions, right now your nervous system is destabilized. Altostrata, the owner of this site, wrote:




From what we've learned on this forum and other websites and FaceBook groups where people are coming off these drugs, the less you do to try and fix your symptoms, the better off you are. Your system is trying to stabilize. The less you interfere by adding in this or that supplement or remedy, the better.



Because SSRIs are notorious for a delayed withdrawal that sometimes doesn't come for several months after reducing or stopping the drug, it's impossible to know for sure. But withdrawal is cumulative, so it could be from the huge cuts and now the smaller ones. Plus you just added in a drug with a known drug interaction and then developed GI symptoms.


From your signature - "March 2022 spot taking lexomil for vestibular migraine 1.25mg to 3mg on days I took it, usually 1.25mg. I’d say I took it every 2 or 3 days for 3 weeks."


It's possible to develop a benzo dependency in 2 - 4 weeks, even with periodic use. So some of your symptoms may be from periodic benzo use.


Please post your thoughts on how the propranolol is affecting you since you started it. Let's start there and see if we can come up with a game plan to get you stabilized before making any other changes.




Hi Shep, 


Thanks for getting back to me. Hope you’re doing well today!


The morning adrenaline and sickness starting happening days before the propranolol. I feel like if anything the propranolol is helping, but again, rock and a hard place, do I continue to take it since I’ve found some relief from the akathisia or do I taper off now and risk it coming back and being miserable? I need to be as functional as possible to work. Since propranolol blocks the action of adrenaline I’m frightened to see what my mornings will be like without it. I truly think the GI issues are a direct result of this rush of adrenaline. It’s like the only way to release this energy is to dry heave. It’s awful. I’m just nauseated and nervous until midday because of it. This happened to me once a year ago and it lasted a couple of months, but the morning adrenaline wasn’t as bad.

And I take 350mg magnesium bisglycinate but I take it at lunch. I’ve taken it like this for a year and a half now so no real change on that front. 

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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Hi Lauren, 

I am so, so sorry that you are struggling so much. This tapering is serious business, that's for sure. 


You can read my intro story if you are interested interested in all of the gory details, but it seems like we are in a similar situation, though I am coming off a different med. 


I took 22.5 mg of mirtazapine from 2015 to 2016, then tapered at 10% / month in 2016/2017. Like you my withdrawal symptoms were mild and manageable during this first cut. In 2018 I tapered (same rate) to 7.5 mg, where I stayed until March 2022. I made a 10% cut, as I had done before, but this time about 2 weeks later the wheels fell off and I am (10 weeks from that first cut), still not stabilized. It is, as you well know from your experience, deeply frustrating and demoralizing. 


In my case I developed a paradoxical reaction to the low-dose trazodone I'd taken with mirtazapine for years for sleep. Altostrata on this site caught it. Not my doctor, nor my pharmacist realized that I had developed serotonin syndrome. I had no idea that tapering could set us up for paradoxical drug reactions. It was very scary and I had to CT the trazodone. 


So now my taper from mirtazapine has been derailed and complicated by a CT withdrawal from another drug. 


Like you, I get morning adrenaline surges, intense anxiety, and shaking/tremor. It gets better as the day progresses, thank God. But then starts up again the next day. I've been fortunate to have had some really good days in there, but then get hit with another wave. 


All this to say, you are definitely not alone. It is a freaking hard thing we are doing. I know our bodies can and will heal. But they have their own timeline. My body is healing much more slowly than I would like. My impatience is not helping. So I meditate. A lot. I am also on a strict low histamine diet. Not sure if that's relevant to the drug you are on, but mirtazapine is a very powerful antihistamine as well as an AD, so I am dealing with excess histamine on top of everything else. 


Keep reaching out. We will get through this together 💜

Antidepressant (mirtazapine):

2015-2016: 22.5 mg 

2016/17: 10% taper / month to 15 mg

2018: 10% taper / month to 7.5 mg

2018-2022: 7.5 mg 

7.5 mg > 6.75 mg (08.03.22) > 6.55 (19.08.22) > 6.375 (12.09.22) > 6.12 (10.10.22) > 5.83 (04.11.22) > 5.51 (29.11.22) > 5.3 (10.03.23) > 5.2 (07. 04.23) > 5.1 (21.04.23) > 4.91 (15.09.23) > 4.75 (03.09.23) > 4.56 (27.09.23) >  4.35 (27.10.23) > 4.14 (22.11.23) > 3.94 (18.12.23) > 3.75 (17.01.24)

Other meds:

- since 2007: 2.5 mg Zoplicone, pn, for sleep 

- 1994-2022: 12.5 mg trazodone pn for sleep. Developed serotonin toxicity with mirtazapine @ 6.75 mg; CT trazodone Apr. 9, 2022. 


- omega-3 (900 mcg / day); Mg bisglycinate (150 mg 2x day); vitamin D; probiotic (Flora Symmetry), vitamin C (500 mg/day) 

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  • Administrator

@Lauren90 How often do you take propranolol? What times o'clock do you take your drugs, with their dosages?

This is not medical advice. Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a knowledgeable medical practitioner.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity." -- Albert Einstein

All postings © copyrighted.

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5 hours ago, Altostrata said:

@Lauren90 How often do you take propranolol? What times o'clock do you take your drugs, with their dosages?

Hi Altostrata!


7:30AM - 50mg Sertraline, birth control, 10mg Propranolol 

12PM - 350mg Magnesium biglycinate  


7:30PM - 10mg propranolol 


Interested in beginning fast taper of propranolol as I’ve only been on it a week. Thoughts? No immediate plans to continue to taper Sertraline as I feel my body needs much more time to stabilize. 

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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20 hours ago, Mirtazapain said:

Hi Lauren, 

I am so, so sorry that you are struggling so much. This tapering is serious business, that's for sure. 


You can read my intro story if you are interested interested in all of the gory details, but it seems like we are in a similar situation, though I am coming off a different med. 


I took 22.5 mg of mirtazapine from 2015 to 2016, then tapered at 10% / month in 2016/2017. Like you my withdrawal symptoms were mild and manageable during this first cut. In 2018 I tapered (same rate) to 7.5 mg, where I stayed until March 2022. I made a 10% cut, as I had done before, but this time about 2 weeks later the wheels fell off and I am (10 weeks from that first cut), still not stabilized. It is, as you well know from your experience, deeply frustrating and demoralizing. 


In my case I developed a paradoxical reaction to the low-dose trazodone I'd taken with mirtazapine for years for sleep. Altostrata on this site caught it. Not my doctor, nor my pharmacist realized that I had developed serotonin syndrome. I had no idea that tapering could set us up for paradoxical drug reactions. It was very scary and I had to CT the trazodone. 


So now my taper from mirtazapine has been derailed and complicated by a CT withdrawal from another drug. 


Like you, I get morning adrenaline surges, intense anxiety, and shaking/tremor. It gets better as the day progresses, thank God. But then starts up again the next day. I've been fortunate to have had some really good days in there, but then get hit with another wave. 


All this to say, you are definitely not alone. It is a freaking hard thing we are doing. I know our bodies can and will heal. But they have their own timeline. My body is healing much more slowly than I would like. My impatience is not helping. So I meditate. A lot. I am also on a strict low histamine diet. Not sure if that's relevant to the drug you are on, but mirtazapine is a very powerful antihistamine as well as an AD, so I am dealing with excess histamine on top of everything else. 


Keep reaching out. We will get through this together 💜

Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out. Ugh all of it is terrible. I try my hardest to meditate through the mornings, even tried to do breathing exercises but nothing will touch this morning anxiety I feel. I’m trying to just let it go. I think it’s worse the more I try go back to sleep so I’m going to just get up and maybe do a yoga class to start my days. The faster I get moving the faster I seem to feel better. Even though the last thing I want to do is go to work, I find it helps me to get out of the house for a bit. My worse days seem to be when I work from the comfort of home. 

how long has your morning anxiety lasted?

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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I seem to be coming slowly out of this most recent wave. It's lasted about a week. My anxiety was not as intense this morning and it quieted down by late morning.


I basically meditate for 30 minutes after I get up and that seems to help. Then again in the afternoon, then again before bed. 


Mainly now I am dealing with tinnitus and a never-ending low-grade headache. And ear worms (a song, looping endlessly in my head). Super annoying! 


I just try to accept what is happening in each moment. Not easy. And I tell myself over and over that I am strong and brave and doing a hard, hard thing. 


Hugs to you 💜

Antidepressant (mirtazapine):

2015-2016: 22.5 mg 

2016/17: 10% taper / month to 15 mg

2018: 10% taper / month to 7.5 mg

2018-2022: 7.5 mg 

7.5 mg > 6.75 mg (08.03.22) > 6.55 (19.08.22) > 6.375 (12.09.22) > 6.12 (10.10.22) > 5.83 (04.11.22) > 5.51 (29.11.22) > 5.3 (10.03.23) > 5.2 (07. 04.23) > 5.1 (21.04.23) > 4.91 (15.09.23) > 4.75 (03.09.23) > 4.56 (27.09.23) >  4.35 (27.10.23) > 4.14 (22.11.23) > 3.94 (18.12.23) > 3.75 (17.01.24)

Other meds:

- since 2007: 2.5 mg Zoplicone, pn, for sleep 

- 1994-2022: 12.5 mg trazodone pn for sleep. Developed serotonin toxicity with mirtazapine @ 6.75 mg; CT trazodone Apr. 9, 2022. 


- omega-3 (900 mcg / day); Mg bisglycinate (150 mg 2x day); vitamin D; probiotic (Flora Symmetry), vitamin C (500 mg/day) 

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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 5/16/2022 at 3:57 PM, Lauren90 said:

The morning adrenaline and sickness starting happening days before the propranolol. I feel like if anything the propranolol is helping, but again, rock and a hard place, do I continue to take it since I’ve found some relief from the akathisia or do I taper off now and risk it coming back and being miserable? I need to be as functional as possible to work. Since propranolol blocks the action of adrenaline I’m frightened to see what my mornings will be like without it. I truly think the GI issues are a direct result of this rush of adrenaline.


18 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

7:30AM - 50mg Sertraline, birth control, 10mg Propranolol 

12PM - 350mg Magnesium biglycinate  


7:30PM - 10mg propranolol 


Interested in beginning fast taper of propranolol as I’ve only been on it a week. Thoughts? No immediate plans to continue to taper Sertraline as I feel my body needs much more time to stabilize. 


How do you feel before and after you take each of these drugs and the supplement? Please rate your symptoms 1 - 10 before and after you take the drugs and supplement (with 1 being mild and 10 severe).


How is your sleep with the propranolol? Is sleep better or worse since starting propranolol?




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6 hours ago, Shep said:



How do you feel before and after you take each of these drugs and the supplement? Please rate your symptoms 1 - 10 before and after you take the drugs and supplement (with 1 being mild and 10 severe).


How is your sleep with the propranolol? Is sleep better or worse since starting propranolol?


6:30 AM - open my eyes - extreme anxiety and rushes of adrenaline every ten min until I get out of bed. I’d say I’m at a 7. 
7:30 AM - I get moving, have a little something to eat even though it’s the last thing I want to do because I have no appetite, but I always take meds with a little food. Take my Sertraline, birth control and propranolol as mentioned earlier at this time. I’d say I’m still at 7.

7:30 AM to 10:30 AM - moving and getting started with my day helps and over this period I go from a 7 to about a 4.

10:30 AM to 1 PM - slowly improving and I go from about a 4 to a 3 (with the physical and mental anxiety and adrenaline) and stay somewhere between a 2 and 4 until I go to sleep.

7:30 PM take propranolol, still hovering at 2-4. 

9:30 PM get into bed, anywhere from a 2-4. 
10:30-11:30 PM - fall asleep, usually sleep through the night until I open my eyes at 6-6:30AM and the cycle repeats. It’s like groundhogs day. 

Sleep has remained the same since starting propranolol. It’s the waking that’s the problem now, but this started prior to starting propranolol, and right after the worst akathisia episode I’ve had to date (which has calmed down but is still mild).

i had the worst akathisia episode to date and on that same day I had this horrible waking adrenaline and anxiety that didn’t fade. 

I’m better than the day I wrote my intro but I am still in such a state of unease most of the day. Specifically the first portion of the day. The first part of the day is pretty miserable to get through. 

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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  • Moderator Emeritus

Thanks for this information. It's very helpful. It sounds like you're getting hit with early morning cortisol surges. You may find some help with this here:


Early-morning waking - managing the morning cortisol spike


Also, you may want to eat a bit of protein when you first wake up. Some of those symptoms may be low blood sugar and some eggs or other high protein breakfast foods may help, sooner rather than later. Withdrawal can cause unpredictable drops in blood sugar, which is naturally worse in the morning when you've gone all night without eating. Low blood sugar symptoms include anxiety and fatigue.


What do you think about reducing the evening propranolol by 25% and see how you do? It's possible you'll be able to do a rapid taper off this drug since you've only been on it about 10 days.


Please keep daily notes like you just posted.



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8 hours ago, Shep said:

Thanks for this information. It's very helpful. It sounds like you're getting hit with early morning cortisol surges. You may find some help with this here:


Early-morning waking - managing the morning cortisol spike


Also, you may want to eat a bit of protein when you first wake up. Some of those symptoms may be low blood sugar and some eggs or other high protein breakfast foods may help, sooner rather than later. Withdrawal can cause unpredictable drops in blood sugar, which is naturally worse in the morning when you've gone all night without eating. Low blood sugar symptoms include anxiety and fatigue.


What do you think about reducing the evening propranolol by 25% and see how you do? It's possible you'll be able to do a rapid taper off this drug since you've only been on it about 10 days.


Please keep daily notes like you just posted.

Yes I definitely think it’s early morning cortisol surges. I’ll take a look at the link, thanks for sending it over!!

I actually reduced the propranolol last night to 5mg and I felt like things were ok. things seem to be no different today either. I do normally have horrible palpitations and bouts of tachycardia which I chose not to medicate, with the blessing of my cardiologist, as it’s benign, and instead make lifestyle changes. (That was until I experienced akathisia and then I was grasping at straws trying to find a way to calm it-enter propranolol). Anyways, Because of this, I’m eager to get off the propranolol sooner than later, as I’m afraid I’ll get rebound tachycardia/palpitations if I stay on too long which will freak me out. I was told after only a week taking it I could stop CT with no issues but we all know not to follow that advice 😁.  So I’m doing 10mg in the morning and 5mg in the evening at the moment. Later this weekend I’ll cut it to 5mg morning, 5mg evening as long as I don’t experience any change in symptoms. 

I’ll journal my day in another post.


thanks, Shep! 

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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Hey, I'm new here too, so I don't have any advice to offer yet, but I wanted to say that I'm in the same boat - working on getting off sertraline and managing OCD. I'm learning a lot from this thread and it's nice to know there's someone out there going through a similar thing ❤️

Leaving sertraline after (mostly) healing!


2019-2020: unprescribed use of diphenhydramine (DPH) (an over-the-counter antihistamine, used in Benadryl and sleep-aids) usually 25 or 50 mgs as needed

2020-22: 100mg sertraline

2020-now: birth control pill (norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol), started taking it with no break in 2021

May 2022: tapered down to 50mg sertraline

July 2022: tapered to 25mg sertraline

August 2022: down to 0mg!


My intro topic


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  • Moderator Emeritus
3 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

So I’m doing 10mg in the morning and 5mg in the evening at the moment. Later this weekend I’ll cut it to 5mg morning, 5mg evening as long as I don’t experience any change in symptoms. 


This sounds like a good plan. Please let us know how you do.



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2 hours ago, lavenderburning said:

Hey, I'm new here too, so I don't have any advice to offer yet, but I wanted to say that I'm in the same boat - working on getting off sertraline and managing OCD. I'm learning a lot from this thread and it's nice to know there's someone out there going through a similar thing ❤️

Hi!! How is your tapering going?

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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I've only been reducing for a few days now, so I'm still anticipating some surprises, but I haven't felt anything super serious, just some nausea which is unpleasant but bearable. I'm trying to force myself to eat so I can stay fully energized and keep to a schedule since the side effects of being on sertraline totally threw me off any circadian rhythm and I want to get back to a routine. 


As far as OCD symptoms, they're staying about the same for the time being. I've actually noticed that I've been biting my nails less too, although that may be due to finals week finally ending rather than any drug-related thing. How are you finding the tapering affects your intrusive thoughts/rituals? I'm curious to see how this develops as I keep tapering down. It sounds like you're at a much lower dose than I am now.

Leaving sertraline after (mostly) healing!


2019-2020: unprescribed use of diphenhydramine (DPH) (an over-the-counter antihistamine, used in Benadryl and sleep-aids) usually 25 or 50 mgs as needed

2020-22: 100mg sertraline

2020-now: birth control pill (norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol), started taking it with no break in 2021

May 2022: tapered down to 50mg sertraline

July 2022: tapered to 25mg sertraline

August 2022: down to 0mg!


My intro topic


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  • 1 month later...
On 5/19/2022 at 7:28 PM, lavenderburning said:

I've only been reducing for a few days now, so I'm still anticipating some surprises, but I haven't felt anything super serious, just some nausea which is unpleasant but bearable. I'm trying to force myself to eat so I can stay fully energized and keep to a schedule since the side effects of being on sertraline totally threw me off any circadian rhythm and I want to get back to a routine. 


As far as OCD symptoms, they're staying about the same for the time being. I've actually noticed that I've been biting my nails less too, although that may be due to finals week finally ending rather than any drug-related thing. How are you finding the tapering affects your intrusive thoughts/rituals? I'm curious to see how this develops as I keep tapering down. It sounds like you're at a much lower dose than I am now.

Hi, I’m so sorry for my delayed response. What dose are you at now? What are you tapering by, is it your first taper? I see you’re at 50mg from 100. I’m at 50mg down from 200. Some of that was a rapid taper some was very slow. I noticed my OCD creeping back in when I got to 100mg but therapy has been useful for this. The OCD that I have a hard time controlling is the looping, ruminating, obsessive thoughts. The physical rituals for me are a bit easier to control. I’ve been meditating, taking a little course on how to meditate, which has been extremely helpful in, I think, STARTING to manage this. But it’s still difficult. I’ve been on meds my entire adolescent and adult life so I’m trying to learn how to deal with life on lower dosages, and hopefully one day, completely off. I’ve been hit with major physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms though so I’m holding until I feel like myself again. Sounds like you got the heads up on a slow taper. I don’t know how you tapered from 100 to 50 in 2022, seems kindof fast but you know your body better than anyone. Just be CAREFUL. The lower you go the harder it gets. I did big cuts from 200 to 150 to 100 to 75 THEN I did a slow taper (2.5-5%) to 50. And I’m now going through hell from earlier cuts. I would read stories about people going through hell and it just doesn’t really hit home until it’s you going through it and by then it’s too late. You still feeling ok from your cut?

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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  • Moderator Emeritus
2 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

I’ve been on meds my entire adolescent and adult life so I’m trying to learn how to deal with life


My suggestion to members who started drugs at a young age is to find a counsellor and be taught general life coping skills.  If it was me I would not be telling them about ADWD.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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2 minutes ago, ChessieCat said:


My suggestion to members who started drugs at a young age is to find a counsellor and be taught general life coping skills.  If it was me I would not be telling them about ADWD.

I’ve actually been very blessed to be able to find a psychologist that I am able to be  completely open and honest about my ADWD with, and she agrees with me and understands, and is working with me on everything. It’s a huge part of my life so it’s nice to share in our weekly sessions. My therapist before in a different country was very understanding and helpful as well. I wouldn’t see a psychologist that I had to hide a chunk of my life from, I don’t think therapy would be that effective if she didn’t know my whole story, past and current. 

However when it comes to most PSYCHIATRISTS, I couldn’t agree more. As for the psychiatrist I see occasionally, I do keep her at an arms length, definitely withhold info, and I refuse to sign the piece of paper for her to share and receive information from other doctors/practitioners about me. Same for my previous one. They don’t get it. Most refuse to try. They are mostly pill pushers anyways. 

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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  • Moderator Emeritus

Are only seeing the psychiatrist to get a prescription?  In many places just a regular family doctor can write the prescription.


MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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  • Moderator Emeritus

Do you think your current and former therapists would be willing to be listed in this topic:





MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:  (6 year taper)      0mg Pristiq  on 13th November 2021

ADs since ~1992:  25+ years - 1 unknown, Prozac (muscle weakness), Zoloft; citalopram (pooped out) CTed (very sick for 2.5 wks a few months after); Pristiq:  50mg 2012, 100mg beg 2013 (Serotonin Toxicity)  Tapering from Oct 2015 - 13 Nov 2021   LAST DOSE 0.0025mg

Post 0 updates start here    My tapering program     My Intro (goes to tapering graph)

 VIDEO:   Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome and its Management

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28 minutes ago, ChessieCat said:

Are only seeing the psychiatrist to get a prescription?  In many places just a regular family doctor can write the prescription.

This is true. My family doctor will prescribe. I’ve only seen this lady twice. My family doctor wanted me to try because she believes I’m having a hard time with AD withdrawal and wanted me to find someone to help. (LOL). This was also to appease my mother (who is a family doctor) and to prove to her they would try to push pills back on me and not believe me, nor try to work with me. I don’t want to say it was a test but it was kindof a test? But it worked because my mom immediately said “dump her!” Because my mom is now a firm believer in AD withdrawal. Even made her coworkers watch Medicating Normal, very cool of her. So anyways with the psychiatrist, the first appt was introductory, although she immediately tried to get me to go back up on Sertraline. The second time was with hopes I could talk to her longer about what’s happening and to test the waters to see if she would be understanding but she just wanted me to go back up on Sertraline and told me if my goal was to get off of antidepressants she had no need to work with me. (Don’t get me started on that comment). So I haven’t seen her since. So I guess my comment should have read “the psychiatrist I saw a couple of times”. 

Edited by Lauren90
Left out a word

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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24 minutes ago, ChessieCat said:

Do you think your current and former therapists would be willing to be listed in this topic:




I’ll definitely ask them both and report back! 

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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  • Moderator Emeritus
On 5/8/2022 at 3:22 PM, Lauren90 said:

During this time I moved to France to be with my husband (summer 2020 mid lockdown) and after 6 months there I decided I wanted to continue to go down because we knew in the next year or so we wanted to try for a baby.


14 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

I’ve been on meds my entire adolescent and adult life so I’m trying to learn how to deal with life on lower dosages, and hopefully one day, completely off.


I'm going to throw a counter argument out here to the usual narrative for those who were drugged young. 


You've lived in at least one other country, you traveled during the pandemic when those who could were still sheltering in place,  you're married, and you're thinking about having a baby. You've researched these drugs and are doing what you need to do to responsibly taper off them. 


While some people who were drugged young aren't able to figure out the basics of dating, living away from their parents, etc, please give yourself a lot of credit for what you've managed to do despite these drugs and all the "broken brain" narratives that comes with it. In some ways, you may be ahead of the game. 


A lot of what you're dealing with now is at least in part (and in my view, a giant part) caused by withdrawal, which will fade out in time. It won't erase your previous accomplishments and courageous spirit. 


Please don't read too much into the narrative that being drugged young means you'll struggle with the basics. That's not always true. 


I see you getting off these drugs and having a great life with a lot of insight from your experiences. 



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3 hours ago, Shep said:



I'm going to throw a counter argument out here to the usual narrative for those who were drugged young. 


You've lived in at least one other country, you traveled during the pandemic when those who could were still sheltering in place,  you're married, and you're thinking about having a baby. You've researched these drugs and are doing what you need to do to responsibly taper off them. 


While some people who were drugged young aren't able to figure out the basics of dating, living away from their parents, etc, please give yourself a lot of credit for what you've managed to do despite these drugs and all the "broken brain" narratives that comes with it. In some ways, you may be ahead of the game. 


A lot of what you're dealing with now is at least in part (and in my view, a giant part) caused by withdrawal, which will fade out in time. It won't erase your previous accomplishments and courageous spirit. 


Please don't read too much into the narrative that being drugged young means you'll struggle with the basics. That's not always true. 


I see you getting off these drugs and having a great life with a lot of insight from your experiences. 

I love this, thank you for commenting, Shep! It’s easy to get down on myself, but I do need to remember to count my blessings and be proud of myself for the things I have still been able to do, even if it’s been extremely hard. 

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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Hi @Lauren90

A belated welcome to SA. Sorry for what has brought you here, glad you found your way. 

I've been following along and reading your posts. Thank you for sharing your story. 


Do you know this topic? For people who were drugged as children


I was first medicated as a minor, too, and appreciate the community of that thread. 


I'm glad you've found a psychologist whom you trust, that makes a world of difference.

How cool that your mother has your back, and that she's also a family doctor now spreading the word about psych drug WD.


Maybe the two of you can collaborate on some sort of informational/activist project together one day, like a video or co-written article, about what WD has been like for both and each of you as mother, daughter, physician, family. (It's so easy to get ideas about what other people might do, have you ever noticed that? Haha) Just thinking aloud, fee free to ignore if it's annoying. 


On 6/23/2022 at 8:15 PM, Lauren90 said:

I love this, thank you for commenting, Shep! It’s easy to get down on myself, but I do need to remember to count my blessings and be proud of myself for the things I have still been able to do, even if it’s been extremely hard. 


Shep makes an excellent point, and so do you. 

I know that it can feel so extremely hard, and you are so brave for tackling this challenge and fighting through. You're doing an awesome job!


It gets better. Healing is happening all the time, even when don't consciously feel it. 

In solidarity and support,


1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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  • Mentor

@Lauren90 Sorry to hear that your meetings with the psychiatrist were so unproductive. 


I wanted to say hello to you.  I went through a brutal withdrawal from Sertraline and it took me a long time to get off of it. The good news is that the last few years of the taper went smoothly as I had learned to work with my body and I am now completely off.  If you ever need a friendly voice I am here for you.


Warm wishes,



I am not a health professional in any way.  I do not give medical advice.   Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a professional medical practitioner.



April 29, 2022 900 mg to 800 mg (11%), May 29, 2022 800 to 700 mg (12.5%), June 20, 2022 700 to 650mg (8%), July 20, 2022 650 to 575 (12%), August 20,  575 to 500 (13%),  Sept 20, 2020 500 to 475mg (5%) Nov 7, 2022 475 to 425 (11%), Nov 21, 2022 500mg

Medications: Gabapentin,  Cortisol Inhaler daily. 


Feb. 2016 to June 2016  - Was on 150mg Zoloft.  Put on Gabapentin at 900mg a day in 2016 due to antidepressant withdrawal. 

Quit Zoloft (Sertraline) June  2016,  reinstated 50mg of Zoloft July 2016.  From July 2016  to October 2016 went from 50 mg down 2.3 mg. I up-dosed in November 2016 to 12.5 mg. Held there until January 2017 when I started a much slower taper.


Dec. 10 2016  - switched to Liquid Zoloft (Sertraline) @ 12.5 mg.   Jan. 4, 2020 1.875 mg (6.3%). Jan. 25, 2020 1.75 mgFeb. 29, 2020 1.625mg (7.10%).  Apr. 4, 2020 1.5 mg.  May 9, 2020 1.375 mg.  June 6, 2020 1.25 mg. (9.10%).  July 4, 2020 1.125 mg. (10%).  August 15, 2020 1.0 mg.  Oct 24, 2020 .875 mg.  Nov. 28, 2020 .75mgJan 16, 2021 .685mg (8.7%).  Feb 13, 2021 .62mg. March 12, 2021 .56mg.  May 1, 2021 .375mg.  May 29, 2021 .25mg. June 26, 2021 .0125mg. July 25, 2021 .065mg. August 22, 2021 .048mg.  October 2, 2021 .043mg.  October 10, 2021 .038mg.  October 23, 2021 .035mg.  October 30, 2021 .032mg.  Nov. 13, 2021 .030 mg.  Dec 4, 2021 .0285 mg.  Dec 11, 2021 .0265 mg. Dec 18, 2021 .0246 mg. Dec 25, 2021 .023mg. Jan 1, 2022. 0 mg. OFF COMPLETELY

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4 hours ago, RachelSusan said:

@Lauren90 Sorry to hear that your meetings with the psychiatrist were so unproductive. 


I wanted to say hello to you.  I went through a brutal withdrawal from Sertraline and it took me a long time to get off of it. The good news is that the last few years of the taper went smoothly as I had learned to work with my body and I am now completely off.  If you ever need a friendly voice I am here for you.


Warm wishes,


Hi Rachel!

Thanks for reaching out. Perhaps you’ve read my story but yeah, things on the withdrawal journey were fine the first year and a half. Then BAM. I moved countries and I was hit with a ton of bricks. I then stupidly went more or less from 100 to 75 mg. Had acute withdrawal, stabilized but I think started feeling some protracted withdrawal effects, then properly tapered from 75 to 50mg. I really should’ve held in hindsight but I wanted to start a family and I just wanted to get off. Now all plans are put on hold because of this. The insane inner restlessness is my main symptom. That and debilitating anxiety, but I think the restlessness is making me anxious because it’s constantly on my mind. It’s been 4.5 months since my last 2% drop (I’m at 50 and holding until completely stabilized). I’ve also moved countries again during this time (back to the Us where I’m from), started a new job, City I’m not familiar with, etc. So not exactly a relaxing time. Anyways, just trying to push through and keep a positive attitude!

2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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9 hours ago, Ariel said:

Hi @Lauren90

A belated welcome to SA. Sorry for what has brought you here, glad you found your way. 

I've been following along and reading your posts. Thank you for sharing your story. 


Do you know this topic? For people who were drugged as children


I was first medicated as a minor, too, and appreciate the community of that thread. 


I'm glad you've found a psychologist whom you trust, that makes a world of difference.

How cool that your mother has your back, and that she's also a family doctor now spreading the word about psych drug WD.


Maybe the two of you can collaborate on some sort of informational/activist project together one day, like a video or co-written article, about what WD has been like for both and each of you as mother, daughter, physician, family. (It's so easy to get ideas about what other people might do, have you ever noticed that? Haha) Just thinking aloud, fee free to ignore if it's annoying. 



Shep makes an excellent point, and so do you. 

I know that it can feel so extremely hard, and you are so brave for tackling this challenge and fighting through. You're doing an awesome job!


It gets better. Healing is happening all the time, even when don't consciously feel it. 

In solidarity and support,


Hi Ariel,


It’s been a very trying year and an even more trying several months. I’m really hoping I turn a corner soon. I don’t seem to have typical waves and windows. Perhaps on a minute to hourly basis? But I also wouldn’t say I’m non-functional and in severe pain all of the time either. I just feel like I’m always dealing with moderate symptoms that occasionally become severe and turn into panic, but then shift back to moderate. I’m just extremely uncomfortable all of the time with some panic sprinkled in. Really my symptoms just seem to be cyclical and morph into something else when another disappears. Trying to control my OCD and ruminating thoughts because I know this just compounds all of my problems. Trying to keep myself together for my relationship and my job as well. I’m afraid if I let myself fall apart I’ll stay that way. So I’m trying to dig deep within each day and find the strength to continue forward. 

I have not checked out that post yet. But I definitely will! And I’m so sorry to hear you were drugged as a child as well. I try not to harbor any resentment for that, I know my parents were just doing what doctors told them were best for their child. They were told I had a chemical imbalance and this was the way to help their child. I don’t blame them. Especially now that my mom is in my corner. People say “but your mom is a doctor she should’ve known better!” But I think when it’s your own child, even if you’re a doctor, you listen to your colleagues even more! Because you believe in the power of medicine and you trust that the correct and extensive research has been done. 


I really hope healing is happening, because I cannot feel it, although I’m sure if I break it down I can see many things that have gotten better, but also some that have gotten worse? My DR was SO BAD a year ago, I was stuck for two weeks on two different occasions like that. i had a friend on another forum tell me she was “barely tethered to this life” and that’s exactly how I felt. Just icky weird uncomfortable mental feelings and I just felt out of this world. Like my surroundings aren’t real. You know typical DR. The past couple of times I’ve felt it creeping in I’ve tried to just accept that I didn’t like the feeling and pressed forward with my day and it seemed to fade. So I guess that’s a win. I’m having more panic attacks than before but I’m also getting better at handling some of them before they get bad. So win- lose?You see? Some things get better and some worse. I can’t recognize a pattern. I think I am just so sensitized right now. I also think and research too much, that I’m sure of. A part of me wishes I didn’t know about withdrawal syndrome and then perhaps I wouldn’t have connected this restless feeling to akathisia and then utterly freaked myself out researching. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. But on the flip side had i never researched, I would've been at 0 by now and most likely hospitalized. Anyways now I’m just rambling…… :) 



2000-2018 150-200mg Sertraline and Vyvanse

2018- vyvanse 60mg to 0 over 6mo. 200mg Sertraline to 150mg. 2019- 150mg Sertraline to 100mg. Early 2021- 100mg to 87.5, two weeks later 87.5 to 75mg, 1.25-4mg bromazepam PRN. Mid 2021 - Feb 2022 taper 2.5%-5% 75mg to 50mg. March 2022 bromazepam for 3 weeks. May 9th 2022 started Propranolol, 10mg in the morning and 10mg in the evening. July 2022- off propranolol Oct 2022- off birth control. Dec 2022- updose sertraline 100mg, benztropine 1mg and Ativan 1mg. March 2023- stop benztropine. May 2023 - ativan taper finished. May 2023 - updose Sertraline to 125mg added propranolol 40mg added Ativan 1mg. July 5- sertraline 112.5mg propranolol 60mg. By October off propranolol, Ativan and at 100mg Sertraline. Jan 2024 added Guanfacine.  Current meds: Guanfacine 3mg ER, Sertraline 100mg, B6, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate, prenatal, Benadryl as needed, folic acid 



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Hi @Lauren90

I'm really sorry it's such a trying time. WD is a very hard thing to go through.


12 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

Really my symptoms just seem to be cyclical and morph into something else when another disappears.


Do you keep track of your menstrual cycle? Have you noticed any correlation between fluctuations in symptom intensity and the phases of your menstrual cycle? 

Many menstruating SA members find that WD and hormonal shifts interact. There are some help topics on this if you're interested. 

(I see that you're on birth control, not sure how that might factor in, if at all.) 


12 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

People say “but your mom is a doctor she should’ve known better!” But I think when it’s your own child, even if you’re a doctor, you listen to your colleagues even more! Because you believe in the power of medicine and you trust that the correct and extensive research has been done. 


I hear you. My mother's a clinical psychologist (specialized in child development and trauma!), and never thought to try getting me into psychotherapy! It was just straight to the mental hospital. So yeah, I get it. We all have our blind spots, especially when it comes to those closest to us. Our parents do the best they can, and they also have their own baggage, too. 


12 hours ago, Lauren90 said:

A part of me wishes I didn’t know about withdrawal syndrome


I know what you mean. The first three years I was in WD I had no idea, and looking back, in some ways it was easier. For the most part I just experienced very weird feelings in my body and accepted and got on with it. I didn't read or research or seek reassurance to the same extent as after I connected the dots. But the fact of the matter is, I am perfectly free to carry on as I did before I knew. It's just a mental thing, now my mind fixates on WD sometimes. So I try to work around that and pretend like I don't know and that it's just like before, when I didn't know. So much of WD is mind games. 


From what you've written it sounds like you're making every effort to live your life and keep going as best you can under the circumstances. That's the most any one of us can hope for really. You're doing what you need to do to get through this, and you're doing a great job! Give yourself lots of credit. 


I know that when we're in the thick of suffering it's hard to believe that healing is happening. Healing is happening, though, whether or not we consciously feel it. Healing doesn't care whether you feel it or not, it's very stubborn and strong-willed and will do its own thing with or without you!! Haha

We just have to try not to get in the way too much. Help ourselves where and when we can, either by gently lending a hand or by backing off and letting be. 


Do you know this post, What's happening in your brain?

It's one of my favorites, an awe-inspiring behind-the-scenes tour of what all our brains and nervous systems and bodies might be up to at any given moment in the healing process. Keeps me humble and thankful when I start to feel impatient and want to yell at healing to hurry up already. At times like that I re-read this essay and feel so grateful and apologize, telling my body: Whoops, my bad. You're clearly on top of things, please keep up the good work, thank you kindly. 


Hang in there, Lauren. It gets better <3

I'm glad you've joined SA. I trust you'll find support here to help you on your healing journey. 

1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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Hi Lauren,


So many changes in your life. I am sure it is not easy. To have withdrawal symptoms on top of the changes must be awful.  I know it was a long and difficult recovery for me. I would read on this site about people feeling better in a month or so and I found myself very frustrated. I kept thinking something was wrong with me because my symptoms went on for so long, and they kept changing as well. I would get rid of one symptom and another would show up.  I did heal though.  It sounds like you are following a path that is working for you. I hope things continue to improve for you.  Hang in there, you seem to be managing in spite of any discomfort.


I am not a health professional in any way.  I do not give medical advice.   Discuss any decisions about your medical care with a professional medical practitioner.



April 29, 2022 900 mg to 800 mg (11%), May 29, 2022 800 to 700 mg (12.5%), June 20, 2022 700 to 650mg (8%), July 20, 2022 650 to 575 (12%), August 20,  575 to 500 (13%),  Sept 20, 2020 500 to 475mg (5%) Nov 7, 2022 475 to 425 (11%), Nov 21, 2022 500mg

Medications: Gabapentin,  Cortisol Inhaler daily. 


Feb. 2016 to June 2016  - Was on 150mg Zoloft.  Put on Gabapentin at 900mg a day in 2016 due to antidepressant withdrawal. 

Quit Zoloft (Sertraline) June  2016,  reinstated 50mg of Zoloft July 2016.  From July 2016  to October 2016 went from 50 mg down 2.3 mg. I up-dosed in November 2016 to 12.5 mg. Held there until January 2017 when I started a much slower taper.


Dec. 10 2016  - switched to Liquid Zoloft (Sertraline) @ 12.5 mg.   Jan. 4, 2020 1.875 mg (6.3%). Jan. 25, 2020 1.75 mgFeb. 29, 2020 1.625mg (7.10%).  Apr. 4, 2020 1.5 mg.  May 9, 2020 1.375 mg.  June 6, 2020 1.25 mg. (9.10%).  July 4, 2020 1.125 mg. (10%).  August 15, 2020 1.0 mg.  Oct 24, 2020 .875 mg.  Nov. 28, 2020 .75mgJan 16, 2021 .685mg (8.7%).  Feb 13, 2021 .62mg. March 12, 2021 .56mg.  May 1, 2021 .375mg.  May 29, 2021 .25mg. June 26, 2021 .0125mg. July 25, 2021 .065mg. August 22, 2021 .048mg.  October 2, 2021 .043mg.  October 10, 2021 .038mg.  October 23, 2021 .035mg.  October 30, 2021 .032mg.  Nov. 13, 2021 .030 mg.  Dec 4, 2021 .0285 mg.  Dec 11, 2021 .0265 mg. Dec 18, 2021 .0246 mg. Dec 25, 2021 .023mg. Jan 1, 2022. 0 mg. OFF COMPLETELY

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Lauren90

Thinking of you <3

1996-2018 - misc. polypharmacy, incl. SSRIs, SNRIs, neuroleptics, lithium, benzos, stimulants, antihistamines, etc. (approx. 30+ drugs)

2012-2018 - 10mg lexapro/escitalopram (20mg?)    Jan. 2018 - 10mg -> 5mg, then from 5mg -> 2.5mg, then 0mg  -->  July 2018 - 0mg

2017(?)-2020 - vyvanse/lisdexamfetamine 60-70mg    2020-2021 - 70mg down to 0mg  -->  July 2021 - 0mg

March-April 2021 - vortioxetine 5-10mg (approx. 7 weeks total; CT)  -->  April 28th, 2021 - 0mg

August 2021 - 2mg melatonin   August 1, 2022 - 1mg melatonin   March 31, 2023 - 0mg melatonin

2024 supplements update: electrolyte blend in water sipped throughout the day; 1 tsp cod liver oil blend (incl. vit. A+D+E) w/ breakfast; calcium; vitamin C+zinc


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.  - Karle Wilson Baker

love and justice are not two. without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.  - Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Holding multiple truths. Knowing that everyone has their own accurate view of the way things are.  - text on homemade banner at Afiya house


I am not a medical professional; this is not medical advice. 

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