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  1. Quantum Mechanics contains a theory that electrons are paired. This theory is called Quantum Entanglement which Einstein called ‘Spooky Action at A Distance’. What has been observed many times is that if you take a set of paired electrons and separate them, distance theoretically does not matter so it could be across a table, across a room, or across the universe. It really does not matter. Once you separate them and move one electron a set distance and direction the other paired electron will do the same without ever touching it, regardless of the distance. So, those electrons are connected in a way we have no way of understanding. This experiment has been done many times and is repeatable every time. So, since we are all partially composed of electrons then we all share halves of numerous electron pairs. As a result, this means we are all connected in a very fundamental way we just cannot see or understand regardless of location, race, religion, orientation, or whatever other metric you try to use to separate us into groups and stay apart. There is no such thing as an individual. We are all the same thing whether we like it or not or want to admit it or not. So, even though we all physically die, it does not matter either because those electrons do not go away, they just become part of something else and if you have half of that electron pair you are connected directly to whatever that other electron became a part of. It is one giant interconnected web. So remember this each time you have someone come into your life. You may very well be sharing electrons and it was those paired electrons that pulled you together because they operate together at a very fundamental level. Because of this connection you can go on to say that: a. To be angry at others is to be angry at yourself. b. To hate others is to hate yourself. c. To love others is to love yourself. e. To help others is to help yourself All because we are all the same thing.
  2. Hi - I'm brand new here and have just started tapering off 100mg of Zoloft following the 10% protocol recommended on this site. I've been on 90mg for 5 days now. I've felt a bit of a 'drop', some increased anxiety, dizziness and fatigue, but nothing intolerable and nothing I didn't already experience while on a higher dose of Zoloft, so I'm feeling optimisic about this taper. This is my second attempt at coming off Zoloft. Last year, I came off way too fast, jumping down 25mg - 50mg per month and down to 0 within a total of 3 or so months. I experienced horrendous anxiety and depression but hoped it would improve over time. It did not. In fact, it turned unspeakably bad. Panic, despair, the darkest instrusive thoughts imaginable, insomnia, nightmares, vomiting, inability to eat, agitation, restless legs, rumination, mania, suicidality (no attempts thankfully), feelings of worthlessness and regret... the list goes on. At my doctor's recommendation, I reinstated 100mg of Zoloft about 1.5 months after stopping completely. It was in the lead up to Christmas and I took my holidays early and spent 4 weeks recovering at my parent's house. Somehow I managed to find the strength to put myself back together and returned home and went back to my job as a lawyer. For the last six months of this year, I've been working with a Functional Medicine Doctor and have been focused on getting myself into the best health I can before tapering again at a much more conservative rate. I've completely changed my diet, begun healing my gut, removed caffeine, sugar and alcohol and employed other hollistic healing tools. My new doctor is supportive of a super slow taper and has access to a compounding pharmacy to prepare bespoke doses of Zoloft. I've also been doing trauma informed psychotherapy for the past 12 months almost every week. This has been a very signicant step in my overall healing and it uncovered the reasons why I had ended up in this position in the first place. Growing up in a very homophobic environment and experiencing bullying and abuse during my childhood and teenage years, I was left traumatised, anxious and depressed as a young adult starting university. Not wanting to face the underlying reasons for my condition, at the age of 19, I found myself in my family doctor's office being prescribed Zoloft having only spoken briefly about having trouble sleeping and anxiety (although my mum had already spoken to him and suspect that she explained that she thought I was depressed and that it ran in the family). I was told "you may need to be on this for the rest of your life" and I believed that. Leaning into therapy has ignited a deep desire to heal and I know intuitively that the Zoloft must go in order to progress my healing and come fully into my true self. I also harbour a lot of anger towards the medical establishment and pharmaceutical industry for what I consider to be an ethical failure of biblical proportions given the millions of people who have suffered as a result of SSRIs and other psychiatric drugs. Thank you for reading my post and I will post updates as to my progress. I hope I can also support others at some stage.
  3. PLEASE SEE: this post about benefits of journalling and links to some helpful sites Journaling has always been a good tool for me. This morning in one of my daily readers it said 'no matter how preposterous you think a fear might be write it down on paper. Look at it, dissect it and journal towards a possible solution. So I made a list. Fortunately I did have the time to journal and read. It helped a great deal. I get stuck inside my own head. Why I don't know. Is it how I am wired, does it stem from medications, is it an anxiety symptom, is it on-going stress???? I am suggesting this as a way to turn things around in the morning or anytime. Or at least that is how it works for me. I pray for the day when I won't need this tool on a daily basis..... Journaling is a way for me to put things down in an uncensored manner. Problem and then the Solution. Sometimes I make a Gratitude list. Hugs
  4. Hi. I just want to ask if anyone here underwent ERP therapy for OCD during his withdrawal syndrome? If yes I would like to hear your experiences. I´m 2 years off meds cold turkey and for a long time I realize that what i suffer from the beggining of my mental problems is primarily OCD. It is actually really developed and only thing that was helping me sedative my strong anxiety since meds went off was compulsively playing video games. Now i stopped playing and decided to treat my condition. Of course my cold turkey video games stop hit my nervous system hard and I´m back in a really bad wave, but that´s minor. What I know about ERP is that it really trigers anxiety which can be not very helpful with withdrawal syndrome. Thx for your answers.
  5. Article in The Observer (UK), by Denis Campbell Sunday 19 January 2014 Mental health charity Mind warned that the long delays in receiving therapy revealed in a new NHS report could have devastating effects. Fewer than half of the patients who sought NHS help last year for anxiety and depression received any treatment, an official report in the government's "talking therapies" programme reveals. The rest of the article is here: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jan/19/mental-therapy-waiting-times-concern
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