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  2. baker32

    baker32: Lamotrigine

    Thank you Erimus, that what I was thinking too. I have tried natural alternatives for my anxiety, besides taking my regular meds and they worked but I got side effects. CBD oil gave me terrible stomach aches but worked really well, hops gave me headaches and valerian root gave me headaches and stomach aches. I called a local health store, and they suggested amino acids called GABA. It's not supposed to cause stomach pain or headaches. It's the same thing that is in meat. and it isn't very expensive. I don't eat much meat so maybe that's my problem, not having enough amino acids. I hope the GABA works! I am so tired of trying things and wasting money on things that don't work, or if they work have too many side effects.
  3. Catwoman73

    Catwoman73: New Here! My story…

    Haha... we can agree to disagree lol! But I do plan to take things super slow and careful. I literally have nothing better to do than take care of myself right now, and pay close attention to the signals my body is sending me. If I were still working, I likely wouldn't tackle both drugs at the same time- there's no way I could do it. I actually didn't take Magnesium last night or the night before at all. My one night experience with it freaked me out lol! I may try it again, but instead of the pill, I might try that 'Calm' powder instead. I used that years ago, and found it helpful without the crazy brain symptoms. I don't know if it will have the same effect though- I seem so much more sensitive to virtually all meds and supplements now. Worth a try though- I'm going to pick some up tomorrow.
  4. @LostInCanada back in December my dr tried to shift pregabalin at morning, i couldn't tolerate it. Symptoms were severe. trachychardia is my new symptom which starts after taking kolonopin at 7pm. I feel sedation and mild calmness after taking pregabalin.
  5. Today
  6. Boges11

    Jami: need help and advice

    Just wanted to say I’m so sorry… I am in a very similar situation and when you have acathisia, it’s almost impossible to calm down. Everybody’s trying to tell you to. it’s such a torturous situation and we literally have to survive 2nd to 2nd and people that have not been in that situation. Can’t even begin to understand what that feeling is like not having extreme panic or anxiety. It’s not the same thing. aka terror is a whole diff beast, all consuming like glue and can’t think straight and want to scream and run and thrash all of it at the same tome. I’m in the same situation so I completely understand and I am so so so sorry. You dont deserve this, no one deserves aka. I also went through medical trauma for the last four years because of one panic attack in the hospital when I had Covid like symptoms. So last four years. So many meds after being told I had anxiety and panic and issues with all being changed about so quickly inducing aka. I was completely normal happy loved life for my 37yrs. I’ll never understand this abd pray that God delivers us from this hell. I’m stuck on mirt forced on psych ward for aka and it’s mage it worse, have had mania etc and can’t move down much at all in complete hysterics sobbing and screaming. i coped thru 3yr hell of Klonopin taper so know all the coping tools and this has just been impossible feeling. lean on anyone around you that you can abd reach out here….. one hour at a time. My brain too is off the charts these last few days and we just gotta trust we will survive. Hugs and love
  7. Pregabalin and paxil should be taken together with caution but especially not within an hour of each other. Pregabalin , Paroxetine . Either increases the level of the other by added drug effects. You are taking these two drugs too close to each other. This is one of the reasons I tried to get you to move paroxetine to the morning. Med checker adding Xanax to the mix: Significant interaction possible (monitoring by your doctor required). Pregabalin + Alprazolam Pregabalin , Alprazolam . Either increases the level of the other by added drug effects. Pregabalin + Paroxetine Pregabalin , Paroxetine . Either increases the level of the other by added drug effects. Pregabalin also exhibits many side effects that you experience including fast heartbeat and choking feeling. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/pregabalin-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20067411 I have mentioned this before. The only way to determine what drug is doing what is to not take them near each other. The further apart the better.
  8. Porque necesitamos a los demás para satisfacer nuestras necesidades humanas y personales, es decir estar ajustado al sistema moral imperante, cultura dominante, y nuestro entorno relacional. Para salvarnos a nosotros mismos. Para sobrevivir y evitar sufrir. En este tipo de cultura y sociedad tóxicas, en las que la supervivencia no está garantizada, en la que el valor humano es extrínseco, no intrínseco. Trataba de calmarme desesperadamente y controlar mis emociones y sentimientos postraumáticos y morales y mis reacciones postraumáticas, para evitar el sanismo, la opresión y la alienación, especialmente la opresión y la alienación que experimenté en el hospital, por la psiquiatría, es decir, evitar ser revictimizado por la psiquiatría. El sanismo no está sólo en el sistema e industria de "salud mental", es cultural, está en todo mundo, es sistémico, un adoctrinamiento moral.
  9. Tweed9674

    Catwoman73: New Here! My story…

    Hi @Catwoman73 Insomnia suck Maybe a lower dose of magnesium (compared to the one you took a few days ago) could help when you're stuck like this? I'm not changing my mind on this one, haha! But hey, it's only an opinion. At the end of the day, I'm clueless.... and mostly driven by a crazy fear of things going wrong. That being said, I do understand the NEED to get off AD. And I do understand that your situation is complex. As long as you you go slow and listen to your symptoms... I'd hope that you'll be ok!
  10. Thanks, that is what I plan to do. I took Prozac again this morning and have stopped the Trintellix.
  11. I think that would be a sensible idea given it has been less than two weeks. The prozac will not have fully left your system due to it's long half-life. Please monitor how you feel over the coming days and weeks. Things may be turbulent for a while. I would give it a good month before trying to taper again. Your brain needs stability. Please explore the site and read as much as you can. Here are some of the most useful links: Important topics in the Tapering forum and FAQ Micro tapering Why taper by 10% of my dosage? Taking multiple psych drugs? Which drug to taper first? How to make a liquid from tablets or capsules Using a scale to weigh and measure doses We only recommend two supplements. Omega 3 Fish Oil and Magnesium. Both should be introduced separately and increased slowly. Regards Erimus
  12. That's so kind of you, I know you're struggling as well, but at least we understand each other here. I think that panic attack two weeks ago traumatized me badly and I'm still getting flashbacks to these "out of this world" sensations. A bit of depersonalization, hammer hit top head feeling, stomach slowing down, insomnia, nausea, phosphenes gallore, heart racing and panic for today. Parents don't make it easier to survive this wave, moving heavy dirt doesn't help me and constant criticism just because they're used to treating me like this. What I'm probably doing wrong now is seeing my whole day or even week through bad moments. There's less of them, they're weaker and my system can deal with them quicker. Still, a wave plays on our insecurities mercilessly and mine is obviously experiencing the uncomfortable. I can never find my place, among people 18-30 I feel too uptight and unexperienced, among older ones I may relate mindset wise, but am out of place with everything else. Trying not to dwell on whether I feel sane or lonely. As long as no panic attack occurs, I shouldn't face too much upset from now on. Lots of appreciation, Sonia. I'm especially grateful for a good listener since I don't have many others in real life. Yes, I'm not feeling well and my mood clearly calls for cautiousness, so I should at least refrain from adding anticipatory anxiety. It was a few minutes when I was scared of psychosis, but the symptoms are out of my control anyways. Oddly enough I was very distracted, I had to catch a dog, bury a hen, shovel dirt, move strawberries and actually did quite a lot on my devices. Maybe that's why tinnitus, excess phosphenes and hot head plague me, it's a lot of blood in the brain area cause it deals with my activities, wave messing with my system and somehow rumminations still run in the background. Gotta fix my sleep, ease the tempo and tell my parents I'm not in good shape for heavy tasks in a cold garden. This is actually quite promising wave, still no critical point that would leave me traumatized as it was the case during previous waves. I survived a whole week without a serious loss of grip on my situation. I wasn't even using relaxation podcasts since that panic attack, so there might be a very good improvement soon when I make up for lost sleep and fix my perspective. Within 7 weeks a lot can change and if my windows can last up to a full week and waves being more bearable, that could be merely 4 or 5 waves lasting 2-4 days until I reach half-year recovery milestone. Thank you for being there for me each time, I always feel more positive reading your words!
  13. Erimus

    baker32: Lamotrigine

    I would take a reduced dose for a week before stopping, just to make sure it isn't going to cause any intense withdrawal reactions. You can cut the tablets in half if you're taking the immediate release version. See: Tips for tapering off lamotrigine (Lamictal)
  14. @LostInCanada 12am mid night. i am taking pregabalin from first day at 12am
  15. No worries- English is my first language and I struggle most days lol! I choose to look at long covid as my wakeup call lol- it may sound a bit woo-woo, but I do think everything happens for a reason. I think it helps me to believe that- just keeping the faith that good will come from this crazy mess, you know?
  16. I was basically punished and criminalized for being in crisis and disturbing for my family and for the MH "experts" that saw me and for not being "functional", i.e. "sane", "normal", productive, etc, and I was made to feel guilty, ashamed, immoral, criminal, and threatened with being incarcelated, forced to go back to "normal" and having my humans rights violated again, for what I did, for isolating myself, for not eating well, for not being "functional". This is exactly the definition of sanism, pure oppression and alienation, and it made me impossible to solve and find closure for my moral issues and trauma, to find balance and peace, to empower myself, to move foward in my life and mature, while I felt inside like a criminal, like a monster, insane, inhuman, absolutely immoral, evil, dangerous, illegitimate, and for half the time since my criminal and inhumane psychiatric intervention I couldn't even reprocess, understand, connect with all these feelings and emotions, so I couldn't understand the injustice I went through, being drugged or completely overwhelmed by withdrawal and everything else. Such a traumatizing experience, all this psychiatric stuff, horrible, maybe one day I'll have justice. Recovery is time consuming and exhausting, so once the damage is done, indentified, understood and accepted (and I didn't want to do none of that for years), it becomes a matter of climbing back to the light, which takes time and a consistent effort. But while we are not drugged, while we are in pain, we are forced to do it, to search for balance and peace, to make the changes we need to do in order to relief the pain. For this reason emotional pain is not usually a symptom of disease, but absolutely necessary to achieve a good life. If you suffer, something needs to change, for the better, and you need know where the pain is coming from, in order to do so, to put effort. Psychiatry treated me like a freak and called it "treatment". So naturally I felt like a freak during all this time. I was far, far away from being insane as psychiatry said, in fact, I was more sane that all the insane and indoctrinated psycho MH "experts" that saw me and "treated" me. Necesitaba y necesito relajarme, calmarme, para poder salir del estado mental y emocional de huída-lucha y modo supervivencia propio del estar dominado por mi identidad moral postraumática y moral, saber qué hacer con mi vida, qué quiero y necesito, encontrar mi propósito en la vida y un sentido, vocación, poder ser plenamente "funcional", "moral", "normal", cumpliendo con las expectativas sociales y morales, y evitar caer en las garras del sanismo psiquiátrico insano, opresivo y alienante y herido moralmente aún más, necesito ocultar mi distrés mental y emocional en esta sociedad sanista para evitar ser revictimizado, oprimido y alienado, reprimirme, o solucionar mis problemas morales y trauma aislado de los demás, y para ello necesitaba y necesito sentirme seguro, y sólo lo puedo conseguir sintiéndome MORAL, superando mi identidad moral postraumática y moral sea como sea, fuente inagotable de mi inseguridad crónica, de mis sentimientos y emociones postraumáticos y morales extremos, especialmente con apoyo moral, el problema es que para sentirme moral y seguro necesito cumplir con las expectativas sociales y morales y ajustarme al sistema moral imperante, integrarme en mi entorno relacional, pero lo quiero hacer sin comprometer mi identidad personal verdadera, por eso necesitaba una nueva perspectiva y un sentido a mi sufrimiento, y por eso me aislé siempre y trataba de relajarme obsesiva-compulsivamente, para evitar que mi trauma y distrés mental y emocional y reacciones postraumáticas me impidieran comportarme y ser una persona plenamente "funcional" y "moral", "normal", al caer en las garras inhumanas del sanismo y sufrir más H/H y complicarlo y dificultarlo todo aún más en esta sociedad y cultura tóxicas, opresivas y alienantes, deshumanizadas, insensibles. Y para relajarme y calmarme careciendo de todo apoyo moral sino estando oprimido y alienado. (Sorry for writing this last paragraph in Spanish, it contains helpful insights and I wrote it in a rush).
  17. baker32

    baker32: Lamotrigine

    Well I just got done talking to my doctor, she thinks I am a hypochondriac now and said she wants me to get a second opinion. She told me I can just stop taking Lamotrigine.
  18. 12am is midnight. Do you mean 12pm noon?
  19. NeedMoreHope

    NeedMoreHope: Prozac

    Looking for any help? I've been holding at the 400 gabapentin and 5 mg of Prozac, but nothing is getting better. I am ready to go back to the hospital. Do you think updosing just a small amount of the Prozac would help? I've lost my sleep again and the anxiety is through the roof. The Akathisia seems to be a tad better so thankful for that. I am so hopeless and in despair right now.
  20. @LostInCanada yes 4am🤣, from few days my sleep is distrub. i am taking pregabalin 12 am.
  21. zack

    zack: Olanzapine taper

    Thank you for your help.
  22. Hi @Alfred1977 I'm very sorry you've been feeling this way. The way I cope with daily stress right now is mostly by using a daily routine and setting small objective to "achieve". I avoid trying to distract myself from anxiety or stress. I might feel a bit better while I scroll endlessly on internet, but when I'm done, I have less energy to do.... everything that needs to be done... and I feel worse. So instead, I go for small things to do. Do (part of) the dishes, take a shower, take a walk, etc. For days after a sleepless night, I wish I had an answer. Those days are absolutely brutal and they bring a lot of struggle. Did you try magnesium supplement to help with the anxiety?
  23. @Belajaziwhen are you taking pregabalin? Please include on daily notes. Thanks. Do you mean 4 am sleep?
  24. FireflyFyte

    zack: Olanzapine taper

    This is just filler and can be ignored. As long as you are stirring the mixture well, the dose should be even.
  25. Sorry, the way I phrased it was not great. English is my second language and I struggle with it a bit more than usual since I went into withdrawal. When I said "Raising a kid while dealing while dealing with withdrawal AND working in the health system", I meant before you got struck with long covid, when you were still working and going on and off anti depressant. Long covid is another insane slap in the face on top of all that. Yet, you seem to still find a way to enjoy life as much as you can. You show a lot of resilience.
  26. Thanks for the replies. Also thanks for the helpful information above, @Emonda PS I updated my signature! I have fairly mild physical withdrawal symptoms at the moment (dizziness, brain zaps etc.)... However some very notable malaise / depression. If going back onto 12.5 resolves this, I would consider going back onto 12.5mg and then tapering from there (using the SA recommended micro-tapering protocol) - I am hoping to wait this out in favor of being completely off the medication. However I do not want to miss my window for going back to 12.5mg for a longer taper.
  27. 8 years ago I was trying to desperately empower myself, overcoming my moral identity, but then psychiatry's inhumane and criminal intervention happened, deemed me as insane, completely disempowered me and sent me back to my abusive family more vulnerable and suppressed than ever. I also didn't have any kind of moral education in my life, I was simply told what to do, i.e. morally indoctrinated, oppressed, like a lot of people. That never worked well for me and I couldn't understand my moral feelings and emotions, why I always felt so guilty and ashamed, so immoral, criminal, not so long ago I couldn't even identify and name them, that's how emotionally "immature" I was, and it all started in my family. Even so, I resisted when I didn't agree with things, when they felt wrong to me, but this society doesn't like people with critical thinking skills and it crushes them. So I was. But Sertraline was the only that could really suppress me and stop me from keep resisting, because it was a freaking chemical in my brain that no one explained to me what it does, and I was completely tricked by it for too many years, disconnected from my spirit, from my true self, and I couldn't process reality, connect with what happened to me, understand it, deal with it, accept it, overcome it, I couldn't. I was sabotaged and forced to give and disconnect chemically and psychologically when I was at my peak of personal development and desperately needed a little push in the form of external emotional validation and moral support to overcome my moral issues make the jump, and I forgot everything, and I lost meaning, purpose, my morals, myself, it was all gone. Because I didn't have moral education in my life these moral feelings and emotions became more and more intense, me unable to resolve them, until they became totally overwhelming, excruciating and hijacked me, my mind and my life, so that this postraumatic and moral crisis that lead to the criminal and inhumane psychiatric intervention happened and after it I had to do as if none of it ever had happened, drugged, disconnected, deeply traumatized, dissociating, oppressed, very, very disempowered, and intoxicated with psychiatry sanism ideas. I never knew what to do in my life dominated by my moral identity and when I found meaning in my moral suffering and a purpose I got into a huge moral inner-external conflict, due to all my unresolved moral issues, and psychiatry sabotaged me, arrested and criminalized me, pathologized me, treating me as an insane person, brainwashed me and indoctrinated me in its insane sanism and drugged me, forcing me to give up and disconnect chemically and psychologically and over time forget everything. So this is what happened to me.
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